Quote of the Day:

"Creativity is allowing yourself to make mistakes. Art is knowing which ones to keep." - Scott Adams

Wednesday, October 19, 2011

Cascade Sunset

I attended a one day workshop yesterday... "Cascade Colors". 
We completed 2 paintings, I will show you the one that turned out nice.
Title:  "Cascade Sunset"
Size:  10" x 12"
The main things I learned:
1.  Shadow colors always need to have some warm colors added to make them come alive.
2.  Mountains are painted mainly with the shadows.
(more obvious in the other painting that you won't see).
3.  Add more color than I think the painting needs to achieve a dramatic look, it fades as it drys.
3.  In sunrise and sunset paintings the clouds "glow" from the bottom.
4.  When painting skies, get in and get out, don't mess with them...let the colors mix on their own.
I will be taking two more workshops over the next couple of months with this same instructor, Cindy Briggs. 

I played with collage this week too.  Very fun...very messy...you should see my studio!
Still learning but here is one for you to see:
Title:  "Mystic Child"
Size:  8"x10"
Yes...That is my Grandma Verda. I used a photocopy of a very old picture.

Last but not least...the two chickadee paintings that I showed you last week sold!
One for $10.95 the other for $17.50.  I had them up for auction and they both went into bidding wars.  Not too bad for little 2.5"x3.5" paintings.  I kept the rights to use the image so I can make prints or cards, etc.

Wednesday, October 12, 2011

A Few Small Paintings

I actually sold a painting this week!  (clarification: to someone I am not related to.)  It was a small Artist Trading Card and it wasn't a huge sum of money, but still...I sold something.  Several small paintings will add up, money I can use to buy new paint and paper.  The basic need of artists throughout the ages. So I painted a couple more to put on e-bay.
I also completed a set for a "Snow Queen" Swap.  I participate in swaps to stretch myself and also for the fun and social aspects of it but I have limited myself to one swap per month.

I am continuing to work toward getting my work into the flower shop, waiting on the next cash infusion so I can make prints!

Wednesday, October 5, 2011

Lupine and Indian Paintbrush

"Lupine and Indian Paintbrush"
Watercolor on 300lb. paper
Painting Size 7.5" x 7.5"

I have been doing exercises in loosening up this week.

The following are a few Semi-Abstract Landscapes.
These came about because I was getting frustrated with my landscape paintings,
they all felt too "manufactured" to me. 
So I started pouring paint down wet paper.
I happened upon an interesting interaction between
 Mayan Blue Genuine and Quinacridone Deep Gold paint...
can you pick it out in these paintings?

"Storm Glow"
Painting size:  4.5" x 6.5"
"Rural Stillness"
Painting Size:  4.5" x 6.5"
"Beside Still Waters"
Painting size:  3" x 4.5"
"Reflection on Golden Pond"
Painting size:  8" x 10"

There are more...
These were really exciting to do and I think it's a technique I will continue to use.